Control Balance Sheet Shows that Heliospectra AB’s Share Capital is Intact

FRI, MAY 24, 2024 17:40 CEST – As previously announced, the board of Heliospectra AB (publ) (“Heliospectra” or the “Company”) has decided, for precautionary reasons, to prepare and have the auditor review the Company’s control balance sheet as of March 31, 2024. The control balance sheet has now been prepared and reviewed by the auditor, and it shows that the Company’s share capital is completely intact.

Heliospectra AB upprättar kontrollbalansräkning

TIS, APR 30, 2024 14:30 CEST Styrelsen i Heliospectra AB (publ) (“Heliospectra” eller “Bolaget”) har, i enlighet med 25 kap 13 § aktiebolagslagen, beslutat att inleda processen med att ta fram en kontrollbalansräkning för Bolaget att granskas av Bolagets revisor.