(GOTHENBURG, Sweden/SAN FRANCISCO, CA, January 26, 2017) — Heliospectra ABย (https://www.heliospectra.com/) (publ) (OTCQB: HLSPYย (http://www.otcmarkets.com/stock/HLSPY/quote), FIRSTNORTH: HELIOย (http://www.nasdaqomxnordic.com/shares/microsite?Instrument=SSE101607&symbol=HELIO&name=Heliospectra)), a world leader in intelligent horticultural lighting technology, is pleased to announce it has been recognized as the 42nd fastest growing company in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) according to The Deloitte Technology Fast 500โข EMEA programย (https://www2.deloitte.com/global/en/pages/technology-media-and-telecommunications/articles/technology-fast-500-emea.html).
Heliospectra AB (publ), vรคrldsledande inom intelligent ljusteknik fรถr kontrollerad miljรถ, vรคxtforskning och vรคxthusodling, รคr glada att meddela att nuvarande VD Staffan Hillberg och tilltrรคdande VD Ali Ahmadian kommer att presentera pรฅ kommande Cannabis Investor Webcast. Webbsรคndningen รคr gratis och kommer att รคga rum torsdagen den 26 januari. Heliospectra presenterar frรฅn 17:00 CET till 17:45 CET (11:00 EST till 11:45 EST).
(Gothenburg, Sweden & San Francisco, CA, January 24, 2017) —ย Heliospectra AB (publ) (OTCQB: HLSPY) (FIRSTNORTH: HELIO), a world leader in intelligent lighting technology for controlled environments horticulture, is pleased to announce that current CEO Staffan Hillberg and incoming CEO Ali Ahmadian will present onย the upcomingย Cannabis Investor Webcast. The webcast is scheduled to take place on Thursday, January 26, andย Heliospectra is scheduled to present fromย 11:00 am EST to 11:45 am EST (17:00 CET to 17:45 CET).
Heliospectra AB Spotlights Market Leading Advanced Lighting Technologiesย for Medicinal Cannabis Cultivation
Heliospectra AB (publ), vรคrldsledande inom intelligent ljusteknik fรถr kontrollerad miljรถ, vรคxtforskning och vรคxthusodling, annonserar idag att Heliospectras styrelse har utnรคmnt Ali Ahmadian som ny VD fรถr Heliospectra. ย Ali Ahmadian รคr idag Chief Commercial Officer fรถr Heliospectra och kommer att anta positionen som VD 1:a februari 2017.ย Staffan Hillberg kommer att vara fortsatt engagerad som rรฅdgivare till Heliospectra.
(GOTHENBURG, Sweden/SAN FRANCISCO, CA, January 9, 2017) โ Heliospectra AB (publ) (OTCQB: HLSPY, FIRSTNORTH: HELIO), a world leader in intelligent lighting technology for controlled environments horticulture, is pleased to announce that the board of directors have elected Ali Ahmadian as the new CEO of Heliospectra. Mr. Ahmadian joined Heliospectra as Chief Commercial Officer in November of last year and will assume the position of CEO on February 1, 2017.ย ย
Heliospectra AB (publ), vรคrldsledande inom intelligent ljusteknik fรถr kontrollerad miljรถ, vรคxtforskning och vรคxthusodling, visades upp nyligen pรฅ cannabis forumet New West Summit i San Francisco i samband med ett nytt innovativt odlingssystem som presenterades av fรถretaget Fleurish Farms. Dr. Jonathan Cachat, VD fรถr Fleurish Farms, introducerade Dynamic Supplemental Sunlight SunGrown Indoorโข, en odlingsteknik som kombinerar utrustning fรถr att fรฅnga solljus tillsammans med Heliospectra LED odlingslampor.ย
Heliospectra AB (publ) (OTCQB: HLSPY, FIRSTNORTH: HELIO), a world leader in intelligent horticultural lighting technology, was showcased in a first-of-its-kind growing system that debuted at a recent cannabis forum in San Francisco. At the New West Summit, Fleurish Farms CEO Dr. Jonathan Cachat spoke about Dynamic Supplemental Sunlight SunGrown Indoorโข, a cultivation technology that combines sunlight capture equipment with Heliospectra LED grow lights.
Heliospectras fรถretrรคdesemisson om cirka 91 MSEK som avslutades den 2 december 2016 blev รถvertecknad. Mot bakgrund av den stora efterfrรฅgan frรฅn sรฅvรคl nya som befintliga aktieรคgare utnyttjas รถverteckningsemissionen till ett belopp om cirka 16 MSEK. Heliospectra tillfรถrs dรคrmed totalt cirka 107 MSEK fรถre emissionskostnader samt knappt 1 200 nya aktieรคgare.
(GOTHENBURG, Sweden/SAN FRANCISCO, CA, December 7, 2016) – Heliospectra AB (publ) (OTCQB: HLSPY, FIRSTNORTH: HELIO), a world leader in intelligent lighting technology for controlled environments horticulture, is pleased to announce that the rights issue that ended on December 2, 2016, that entailed approximately SEK 91 million was oversubscribed. The high demand from both new and existing