(GOTHENBURG, Sweden, Mar 7,ย 2025, at 09:25 CET) โย Heliospectra AB (publ) (“Heliospectra” or the “Company”) announces today, 7 March 2025, the outcome of the rights issue of shares amounting to a maximum of approximately SEK 25.6 million, which the Board of Directors resolved on January 23, 2025, and the extraordinary general meeting approved on February 12, 2025 (“Rights Issue”). The subscription period for the Rights Issue ended on March 5, 2025. The outcome shows that 77,925,698 shares, corresponding to approximately 63.85 percent of the Rights Issue, were subscribed for with the support of subscription rights. Additionally, subscription applications for 6,668,860 shares, corresponding to approximately 5.46 percent of the Rights Issue, were received for subscription of shares without the support of subscription rights. Together, the subscriptions with the support of subscription rights and subscription applications without the support of subscription rights constitute approximately 69.32 percent of the Rights Issue. Hence, the guarantee commitment will be utilised for the remaining 37,443,027 shares in the Rights Issue, corresponding to approximately 30.68 percent of the Rights Issue. The Rights Issue thus has a subscription rate of 100 percent and will provide the Company with proceeds of approximately 25.6 MSEK before deduction of issue costs and set-off of loan.
(Gรถteborg, Sverige, 7 mars 2025, kl 09:25 CET) โย Heliospectra AB (publ) (โHeliospectraโ eller โBolagetโ) meddelar idag den 7 mars 2025, utfallet i den fรถretrรคdesemission av aktier om maximalt cirka 25,6 MSK som styrelsen beslutade om den 23 januari 2025 och den extra bolagsstรคmman den 12 februari 2025 godkรคnde (โFรถretrรคdesemissionenโ). Teckningsperioden i Fรถretrรคdesemissionen avslutades den 5 mars 2025. Utfallet visar att 77ย 925ย 698 aktier, motsvarande cirka 63,85 procent av Fรถretrรคdesemissionen, tecknats med stรถd av teckningsrรคtter. Dรคrtill har teckningsยญanmรคlningar fรถr 6ย 668ย 860 aktier, motsvarande cirka 5,46 procent av Fรถretrรคdesemissionen, mottagits fรถr teckning av aktier utan stรถd av teckningsrรคtter. Tillsammans utgรถr teckningarna med stรถd av teckningsrรคtter och teckningsanmรคlningar utan stรถd av teckningsrรคtter cirka 69,32 procent av Fรถretrรคdesemissionen. Dรคrmed kommer garantiรฅtagandet att utnyttjas fรถr resterande 37ย 443ย 027 aktier i Fรถretrรคdesemissionen, motsvarande cirka 30,68 procent av Fรถretrรคdesemissionen. Fรถretrรคdesemissionen har sรฅledes en teckningsgrad pรฅ 100 procent och kommer att tillfรถra Bolaget en likvid om cirka 25,6 MSEK fรถre avdrag fรถr emissionskostnader och kvittning av lรฅn.
(GOTHENBURG, Sweden, Feb 28,ย 2025, at 08:40 CET)โ Heliospectra AB (publ), a leader in intelligent lighting technology for greenhouse and controlled plant growth environments, presents its Year-End Report for 2024.ย
(Gรถteborg, Sverige, 28:e februari 2025, kl 08:40 CET) โ Heliospectra AB (publ) (First North Growth Market: HELIO), ledande inom intelligent belysningsteknikย fรถr vรคxthus och kontrollerade odlingsmiljรถer, presenterar idag sin bokslutskommunikรฉ fรถr 2024.
Gรถteborg, Sverige, 20 februari 2025, kl 12:25 โย Heliospectra AB (publ) (โHeliospectraโ eller โBolagetโ) har upprรคttat ett informationsmemorandum (โMemorandumetโ) med anledning av den fรถretrรคdesemission av aktier som styrelsen beslutade om den 23 januari 2025 och den extra bolagsstรคmman den 12 februari 2025 godkรคnde (โFรถretrรคdesemissionenโ). Memorandumet finns tillgรคngligt pรฅ Bolagets hemsida, www.heliospectra.com, tillsammans med annan information relaterad till Fรถretrรคdesemissionen.
Gothenburg, Sweden, February 20, 2025, at 12:25 CETย โย Heliospectra AB (publ) (the “Company”) has prepared an information memorandum in Swedish (the “Memorandum”) in connection with the new issue of shares resolved by the Board of Directors on January 23, 2025, and approved by the extraordinary general meeting on February 12, 2025 (the “Rights Issueโ). The Memorandum is available on the Company’s website, www.heliospectra.com, along with other information related to the Rights Issue.
Gรถteborg, Sverige, 19 februari 2025, kl 12:50 โย Idag, 19 februari 2025, inleds teckningsperioden i Heliospectra AB (publ):s (โHeliospectraโ eller โBolagetโ) nyemission av aktier med fรถretrรคdesrรคtt fรถr befintliga aktieรคgare om hรถgst cirka 25,6 MSEK (โFรถretrรคdesemissionenโ), vilken offentliggjordes den 23 januari 2025. Teckningsperioden i Fรถretrรคdesemissionen pรฅgรฅr till och med den 5 mars 2025.
Gothenburg, Sweden, February 19, 2025, at 12:50 CETย โย Today, February 19, 2025, the subscription period begins in Heliospectra AB (publ)’s (the “Company”) new share issue with preferential rights for existing shareholders of up to approximately SEK 25.6 million (the “Rights Issue”), which was announced on January 23, 2025. The subscription period for the Rights Issue runs until March 5, 2025.
Gรถteborg, Sverige, 12 februari 2025, kl 15:00.ย Idag, den 12 februari 2025, hรถlls extra bolagsstรคmma i Heliospectra AB (publ) (โBolagetโ) i Bolagets lokal med adress Johan Willins Gata 8 i Gรถteborg. Till ordfรถrande fรถr stรคmmas valdes Fredrik Brusberg frรฅn MAQS Advokatbyrรฅ.
Gothenburg, Sweden, February 12, 2025, at 15:00 CETย The Extraordinary General Meeting of Heliospectra AB (publ) (the โCompanyโ) was held today, February 12, 2025, at the Companyโs premises on Johan Willins Gatan 8 in Gothenburg. Chairman of the General Meeting was Fredrik Brusberg from MAQS Advokatbyrรฅ.