Heliospectra to Provide Eco Canadian Organic Inc. with LED Spectrum Control for High-Quality Cannabis Production

(GOTHENBURG, Sweden / SAN FRANCISCO, CA, October 18, 2019) โ€“ย Heliospectraย AB (publ) (OTCQB: HLSPY, FIRSTNORTH GROWTH MARKET: HELIO), a world leader in intelligent lighting technology for greenhouse and controlled plant growth environments, announces a new order from Eco Canadian Organic Inc.ย (E.C.O.).ย Heliospectraย will supply the controllable spectra ELIXIA LED lighting solution andย helioCOREโ„ข light control systemย (https://www.heliospectra.com/led-grow-light-control-software/)ย to fully automate the growing environment. To ensure high-quality production and healthy plants from propagation to harvest, E.C.O. will also implement theย SIERA lightbarย (https://www.heliospectra.com/led-grow-lights/led-grow-light-bars/)ย for seedling production. The order value is SEK 2.0 million (CAD$ 277,000).ย 

Heliospectra fรฅr ny stororder frรฅn John Innes Centre i England

(Gร–TEBORG, Sverige / SAN FRANCISCO, CA, 18 september 2019) – Heliospectra AB (publ) (OTCQB: HLSPY, FIRST NORTH GROWTH MARKET: HELIO), vรคrldsledande inom intelligent belysningsteknik fรถr vรคxthus och kontrollerade odlingsmiljรถer, tillkรคnnager en ny order frรฅn prestigefyllda John Innes Centre i Storbritannien. Denna bestรคllning av Heliospectras helt kontrollerbara ELIXIA LED-belysningslรถsningar kompletterar John Innes tidigare bestรคllningar och ingรฅr i ett stรถrre projekt fรถr att byta ut traditionell belysning fรถr att helt automatisera sin odlingsmiljรถ med hjรคlp av Heliospectra’s helioCOREโ„ข kontrollsystem. Ordervรคrdet รคr 2,4 miljoner SEK (200 000 ยฃ).ย 

Heliospectra Continuous Rยญetrofit at John Innes Centre with New Order of ELIXIA LED Lighting Solutions

(GOTHENBURG, Sweden / SAN FRANCISCO, CA, September 18, 2019) โ€“ Heliospectra AB (publ) (OTCQB: HLSPY, FIRSTNORTH: HELIO), a world leader in intelligent lighting technology for greenhouse and controlled plant growth environments, announces a new order from the prestigious John Innes Centre in the United Kingdom. This order of Heliospectraโ€™s fully controllable ELIXIA LED lights complements the previous orders made by the customer and will be part of a project retrofitting glasshouses automated by Heliospectraโ€™s helioCOREโ„ข light control software. The order value is SEK 2.4 million (ยฃ 200,000).ย 

Heliospectra Debuts New MITRA Modular LED Lighting System at MJ Biz Con Intโ€™l and Grow Up Conference Events in Canada

Mitra Classic

High Intensity, High Performance LED Grow Light Available in Three Spectra with Electrical Efficacy Up to 2.9 ยตmol/J (GOTHENBURG, Sweden / SAN FRANCISCO, CA, 5 September, 2019) Heliospectra AB (publ) (OTCQB: HLSPY, FIRSTNORTH: HELIO), a world leader in intelligent lighting technology for greenhouse and controlled plant growth environments, debuts the new MITRA series, a high intensity, high performance LED lighting solution in North America at MJ Biz Con Intโ€™l Booth #604 in Toronto, Canada, September 5 to 6, 2019 and at Grow Up Conference Booth #1110 in Niagara Falls, September 12 to 14, 2019.ย  Designed specifically for cannabis and high light vine crops, the MITRA series offers an electrical efficacy up to 2.9 ยตmol/J and is the industryโ€™s first modular LED system.

Heliospectra ABs halvรฅrsrapport januari โ€“ juni 2019

Gร–TEBORG, Sverige/SAN FRANCISCO,ย Californien, den 23 augusti 2019 โ€“ Heliospectra AB (publ) (OTCQB: HLSPY,ย FIRSTNORTH: HELIO), vรคrldsledande inom intelligent belysningsteknik fรถr vรคxthus och kontrollerade odlingsmiljรถer, presenterar idag sin halvรฅrsrapport fรถr perioden januari – juni 2019.

Heliospectra fortsรคtter global expansion – รถppnar nytt kontor i Tokyo


(Gร–TEBORG, Sverige / SAN FRANCISCO, CA, 9 juli 2019) – Heliospectra AB (publ) (OTCQB: HLSPY, FIRSTNORTH: HELIO), vรคrldsledande inom intelligent belysningsteknik fรถr vรคxthus och kontrollerade odlingsmiljรถer, meddelar idagย etableringen av sitt nya dotterbolagย Heliospectra Japan Co., Ltd. ochย รถppnandet av ett nytt kontor i Tokyo, Japan.ย Heliospectra har utsett Yasuhiro Suzuki till General Manager.ย Yasuhiro kommer att leda Heliospectras fรถrsรคljning av integrerade LED-belysningslรถsningar, helioCOREโ„ข kontrollsystem och helioCAREโ„ขย tjรคnsteportfรถljย pรฅ den japanska marknaden frรฅn och med juli 2019.

Heliospectra Continues Global Expansion with Tokyo Office


General Manager Yasuhiro Suzukiย to Lead Installations of Heliospectraโ€™s integrated LED and helioCOREโ„ข Light Control Solutions for Japanโ€™s Plant Factories and Vertical Farms (GOTHENBURG, Sweden / SAN FRANCISCO, CA, 9 July, 2019) โ€“ย Heliospectra AB (publ) (OTCQB: HLSPY, FIRSTNORTH: HELIO), a world leader in intelligent lighting technology for greenhouse and controlled plant growth environments,ย announces the formation ofย Heliospectra Japan Co., Ltd.ย and the opening of a new Tokyo, Japan office in July 2019 under the leadership of General Manager Yasuhiro Suzuki.

Vรคstra Hamnen Corporate Finance inleder bevakning av Heliospectra AB

Gร–TEBORG, Sverige / SAN FRANCISCO, CA, 4 juli 2019 โ€“ Heliospectra AB (publ) (OTCQB: HLSPY, FIRSTNORTH: HELIO), har ingรฅtt avtal med Vรคstra Hamnen Corporate Finance AB om att erhรฅlla tjรคnsten Marknadsfokus, vari ingรฅr sรฅ kallad uppdragsanalys. Analysen innefattar en oberoende genomgรฅng av bolaget, dess produkter, marknader och konkurrenter samt ett finansiellt scenario som utgรถr underlag fรถr en bedรถmning om motiverat bรถrsvรคrde fรถr bolaget.

Vรคstra Hamnen Corporate Finance initiates monitoring of Heliospectra AB

Gร–TEBORG, Sweden / SAN FRANCISCO, CA, July 4, 2019 – Heliospectra AB (publ) (OTCQB: HLSPY, FIRSTNORTH: HELIO), has entered into an agreement with Vรคstra Hamnen Corporate Finance AB to utilize their Market Focus service, which includes commission research. The analysis includes an independent review of the company, its products, markets, and competitors as well as a financial scenario that forms the basis for an assessment of a justified market valuation of the company.