Information om handel och pรฅkallande av teckningsoptioner av serie 2020/21 i Heliospectra AB

Heliospectra AB (publ) (“Heliospectra ” eller “Bolaget”) informerar om utstรคllda teckningsoptioner av serie 2020/21 (“Teckningsoptioner”). Tvรฅ (2) Teckningsoptioner ger rรคtt att teckna en (1) ny aktie i Bolaget mot kontant betalning om 3,1 SEK per aktie under perioden 1 november 2021 till och med 30 november 2021. Sista dagen fรถr handel med Teckningsoptioner รคr den 25 november 2021. Om alla Teckningsoptionerna utnyttjas kan Bolaget maximalt tillfรถras cirka 32,7 MSEK fรถre emissionskostnader.

Information about trading and exercise of warrants of series 2020/21 in Heliospectra AB

Heliospectra AB (publ) (“Heliospectra” or “the Company”) informs about issued warrants of series 2020/21 (“Warrants”). Two (2) Warrants give the right to subscribe for one (1) new share in the Company against cash payment of SEK 3.1 per share during the period November 1 through November 30, 2021. Last day for trading in the Warrants is November 25, 2021. If all Warrants are exercised, the Company will receive a maximum of approximately SEK 32.7 million before issue costs.

Heliospectra (publ) Interim Report July – September 2021

(Gothenburg, Sweden, October 22, 2021, at 08:30 CEST)โ€“ Heliospectra AB (publย (Nasdaq First North Growth Market: HELIO),ย a world leader in intelligent lighting technology for greenhouse and controlled plant growth environments, presentsย itsโ€™ย Interim Reportย forย July – Septemberย 2021.ย 

Heliospectra byter ut lampor pรฅ grund av felaktig sรคkring

(Gรถteborg, Sverige, 7e oktober 2021, kl 17:35ย CEST) –ย Heliospectra byter ut lampor av modellen MITRA efter att det uppkommit fel i sรคkringen som kan hรคrledas till fel pรฅ komponentnivรฅ. Felet kan hรคrledas till begrรคnsade produktionsserier och fรถretaget har redan nu ersatt en fjรคrdedel av de lampor som producerats. Heliospectra har dock valt att i kommande kvartalsrapport avsรคtta ytterligare 5,4 MSEK fรถr att tรคcka eventuella garanti- och ombyggnadskostnader. ย ย ย ย ย 

Heliospectra replaces lights due to faulty fuse

(Gothenburg, Sweden October 7th, 2021, at 17.35ย CEST) โ€“ Heliospectra ABย replaces lights of the MITRA model following the identification of a faulty fuse. The error has been traced back to component level and is limited to limited production series. So far, the company has already replaced a quarter of the affected lights. However, Heliospectra has chosen to set aside an additional SEK 5.4 million in the forthcoming quarterly report to cover additional warranty and conversion costs should they arise.

Heliospectra AB (publ) Halvรฅrsrapport 2021

(Gรถteborg, Sverige, 20e augusti 2021) – Heliospectra AB (publ) (First North Growth Market: HELIO), vรคrldsledande inom intelligent belysningsteknikย fรถr vรคxthus och kontrollerade odlingsmiljรถer, presenterar idag sin Halvรฅrsrapport fรถr 2021.

Heliospectra tillkรคnnager en ny รฅterfรถrsรคljare – MineARC-Systems ska leverera ledande ljusstyrning fรถr kontrollerade odlingsmiljรถer i Australien

(Gรถteborg, Sverige, 14 juli 2021, klockan 09.00 CEST) – Heliospectra AB, vรคrldsledande inom intelligent belysningsteknik fรถr vรคxthus och kontrollerade odlingsmiljรถer, tillkรคnnager ett nytt รฅterfรถrsรคljarpartnerskap med MineARC Systems, en global producent av kontrollerade miljรถer fรถr bland annat bioteknik- och hortikultur. Fรถretaget kommer att representera Heliospectras marknadsledande LED-belysning och ljusstyrningslรถsningar fรถr kontrollerade odlingsmiljรถer pรฅ den australiska marknaden.

Heliospectra Announces a New Reseller โ€“ MineARC Systems to Supply Next Level Light Control for Controlled Environment

(GOTHENBURG, Sweden, 14 July 2021, at 09.00ย CEST) โ€“ Heliospectra AB, a world leader in intelligent lighting technology for greenhouse and controlled plant growth environments,ย announces a new reseller partnership with MineARC Systems, a global leader in manufacturing and supply of controlled environments, including biotechnology and agriculture applications. The company will represent Heliospectraโ€™s market-leading LED lighting and light control solutions for controlled environments agriculture in the Australian market.