Environmental Growth Chambers Selects Heliospectraโ€™s ELIXIA LED Lighting Solutions

(GOTHENBURG, Sweden,โ€ฏFebruary 5th, 2021)โ€“ Heliospectra AB (publ) (North American ADR OTCQB: HLSPY, and Nasdaq First North Growth Market: HELIO),โ€ฏa world leader in intelligent lighting technology for greenhouse and controlled plant growth environments, announces a new order from Environmental Growth Chambers ofโ€ฏChagrin Falls, OH, United States. The order value isโ€ฏ$281,720 USD.

Teckningsoptioner i incitamentsprogram รถverlรฅtna till ledande befattningshavare och nyckelpersoner

Gรถteborg, 5 januariย 2021ย klockan14:30ย  Heliospectra AB (publ) (โ€Bolagetโ€) har genom det helรคgda bolaget Heliospectra Personal AB (โ€Dotterbolagetโ€) verkstรคllt รถverlรฅtelsen av 930 000 teckningsoptioner av serie P03 i Bolaget till ledande befattningshavare och nyckelpersoner inom koncernen. Teckningsoptionerna emitterades ursprungligen till Dotterbolaget vid bolagsstรคmma i Bolaget den 14 maj 2020.ย 

Heliospectraโ€™s Incentive Program Transfer Stock Warrants to Senior Executives and Key Personnel

Gothenburg, Sweden, 5 Januaryย 2021ย at 14:30ย CET Heliospectra AB (publ) (“the Company”) has through the wholly owned subsidiary Heliospectra Personal AB (“the Subsidiary”) has executed the transfer of 930,000 stock warrants of series P03 from the Company to senior executives and key personnel within the group. The stock warrants were originally issued to the Subsidiary at the Companyโ€™s General Meeting held on May 14, 2020.ย 

Heliospectra AB (publ) offentliggรถr utfall i fรถretrรคdesemissionen

Teckningsperioden fรถr fรถretrรคdesemissionen i Heliospectra AB (publ) avslutades den 19 november 2020 och sammanrรคkningen visar att emissionen tecknades till drygt 124 procent. Fรถretrรคdesemissionen, som omfattades av teckningsfรถrbindelser och garantiรฅtaganden motsvarande 100 procent, tecknades till motsvarande cirka 91,6 procent med stรถd av unitrรคtter och till motsvarande cirka 32,6 procent utan stรถd av unitrรคtter. Emissionsgarantin har dรคrmed inte tagits i ansprรฅk. Fรถretrรคdesemissionen tillfรถr Bolaget dรคrmed cirka 50,6 MSEK, fรถre emissionskostnader.

Heliospectra AB (publ) announces the results of the rights issue

The subscription period for the rights issue in Heliospectra AB (publ) was completed on November 19, 2020 and the outcome of the rights issue shows that the rights issue was subscribed by approximately 124 percent. The rights issue, which was covered by subscription and guarantee commitments corresponding to 100 percent, was subscribed by approximately 91,6 percent with the support of unit rights and approximately 32,6 percent without the support of unit rights. The issue guarantee has therefore not been used. The rights issue provides the Company with approximately SEK 50,6 million, before issue costs.

Heliospectra fรฅr order frรฅn CRG Pharma Inc. i Kanada

Publicerad onsdag 5 novemberย 2020 klockan 15:00ย  Heliospectra AB (publ), vรคrldsledande inom intelligent belysningsteknik fรถr vรคxthus och kontrollerade odlingsmiljรถer, tillkรคnnager att fรถretaget har fรฅtt en ny orderย frรฅn CRG Pharma Inc.ย i British Columbia,ย Kanada.ย  Ordern รคr pรฅ Heliospectras fullt justerbara ELIXIA LED-belysningslรถsning och vรคrdet uppgรฅr tillย $189 900 CAD.ย ย