Hans Naess ny CFO för Heliospectra AB

Hans Naess

(GÖTEBORG, Sverige / SAN FRANCISCO, CA, 4 mars 2019 – Heliospectra AB (publ) (OTCQB: HLSPY, FIRST NORTH: HELIO), världsledande inom intelligent belysningsteknik för växthus och kontrollerade odlingsmiljöer, har utsett Hans Naess till ny CFO för Heliospectra AB. Hans har agerat interim CFO sedan 24 september 2018 och tillträdde som CFO med start den 1a mars 2019.

Hans Naess Appointed New CFO of Heliospectra AB

Hans Naess

(GOTHENBURG, Sweden/SAN FRANCISCO, CA, March 4, 2019 – Heliospectra AB (publ) (OTCQB: HLSPY, FIRST NORTH: HELIO), a world leader in intelligent lighting technology for greenhouse and controlled plant growth environments, has appointed Hans Naess as the new Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Heliospectra AB. Hans has acted as interim CFO since September 24, 2018. He began the role as CFO on March 1st, 2019.  

Heliospectra genomför företrädesemission och upptar brygglån från huvudägare

GÖTEBORG, Sverige, 2019-02-22 Heliospectra AB (publ) (”Heliospectra” eller ”Bolaget”), som är noterat på Nasdaq First North, meddelar att Bolagets styrelse föreslår en nyemission om cirka 52,7 miljoner kronor med företrädesrätt för befintliga aktieägare. Villkoren i emissionen innebär att 3 befintliga aktier ger rätt att teckna 1 ny aktie till kursen 4,5 kr. Emissionen omfattas till 100 procent av teck­nings­­åtaganden och garantiåtaganden från Bolagets största ägare, Welandkoncernen och Midroc.

Heliospectra carries out rights issue and obtain bridge financing

GOTHENBURG, Sweden, February 22, 2019 Heliospectra AB (publ) (“Heliospectra” or “the Company”), which is listed on Nasdaq First North, announces that the Company’s Board of Directors proposes a new share issue of approximately SEK 52.7 million with preferential rights for existing shareholders. The terms of the rights issue are that 3 existing shares entitle the shareholder to subscribe for 1 new share at the price of 4.5 SEK. The rights issue is 100 percent underwritten through subscription and guarantee commitments by the Company’s largest shareholders, the Weland Group and Midroc.

Bokslutskommuniké 2018, Heliospectra AB ( publ)


GÖTEBORG, Sverige/SAN FRANCISCO, Californien, den 22 februari 2018 – Heliospectra AB (publ) (OTCQB: HLSPY, FIRSTNORTH: HELIO), världsledande inom intelligent belysningsteknik för växthus och kontrollerade odlingsmiljöer, presenterar idag sin Bokslutskommuniké för 2018.

Year End Report 2018, Heliospectra AB ( publ)


GOTHENBURG, Sweden / SAN FRANCISCO, CA, February 22, 2019 – Heliospectra AB (publ) (OTCQB: HLSPY, FIRSTNORTH: HELIO), a world leader in intelligent lighting technology for greenhouse and controlled plant growth environments, are today presenting its Year-End Report for 2018.

Leading European Research Facility Invest in Heliospectra’s LED Lighting Solutions

(GOTHENBURG, Sweden/SAN FRANCISCO, CA, Feb 21, 2019 – Heliospectra AB (publ) (OTCQB: HLSPY, FIRST NORTH: HELIO), a world leader in intelligent lighting technology for greenhouse and controlled plant growth environments, announces an order from a leading medicinal plant research facility in Spain. The research company is expanding its greenhouse production and has placed an order for Heliospectra’s fully adjustable ELIXIA LED lighting solution. The order value is SEK 2,0 million (€ 189,000).  

Heliospectra’s helioCORE™ Light Control System Recognized by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers with a 2019 AE50 Award


GOTHENBURG, Sweden/ SAN FRANCISCO, CA, February 15, 2019 Heliospectra AB (publ) (OTCQB: HLSPY, FIRST NORTH: HELIO), a world leader in intelligent lighting technology for greenhouse and controlled plant growth environments, is proud to announce that their innovative LED grow light control system helioCORE™ (https://www.heliospectra.com/led-grow-light-control-software/) has been recognized by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers with a 2019 AE50 award for “Outstanding Innovations in Product or System Technology.”