Heliospectra receives short-term loan of approximately SEK 17 million from three main owners

Gothenburg, Sweden, 25ย January, 2022 Heliospectra AB (publ), has decided to raise a short-term loan of SEK 17,025,000 from the main owners Weland Stรฅl AB, ADMA Fรถrvaltnings AB, and Corespring New Technology AB. The purpose of the loans is to strengthen the company’s liquidity and working capital. With a capital injection of approximately SEK 17 million, which will be transferred to Heliospectra immediately, liquidity is ensured to meet the company’s working capital needs in the short term.

Heliospectras vd avgรฅr pรฅ egen begรคran

Gรถteborg, Sverige, 22 december 2021, kl: 14:00ย – Heliospectras vd Ali Ahmadian har valt att pรฅ egen begรคran avgรฅ som vd fรถr Heliospectra AB. Styrelsen har inlett en rekryteringsprocess fรถr att hitta en ersรคttare. I รถvergรฅngsperioden kommer Bonny Heeren, styrelseledamot i Heliospectra, att verka som tillfรถrordnad vd.

Heliospectra’s President and CEO Resigns

Gothenburg, Sweden, 22 December 2021, at 14:00ย CET โ€“ย Heliospectra AB’s President and CEO Ali Ahmadian has decided to step down as CEO. As a result, the board has initiated the recruitment process and the search for his successor. During the transition period, Bonny Heeren, board member of Heliospectra, will step in as Acting CEO.

Ny strategisk riktning fรถr Heliospectra โ€“ fokus pรฅ hรฅllbar datadriven odling pรฅ europeiska vรคxthusmarknaden

Gรถteborg, Sverige, 22ย december 2021, kl: 13:40 โ€“ Under 2022 planerar Heliospectra att lansera en rad datadrivna utvecklingsprojekt, inklusive en unik patenterad biosensor som bygger pรฅ flera รฅrs forskning och praktisk odlingserfarenhet. I och med det har styrelsen i samrรฅd med ledningsgruppen valt att gรถra ett strategiskt skifte och siktar nu helhjรคrtat mot hรฅllbar datadriven odling och Smart Farming med sikte pรฅ Europas vรคxthusmarknad.

New strategic direction for Heliospectra โ€“ focus on sustainable data-driven cultivation and the European greenhouse market

Gothenburg, Sweden, December 22, 2021, at 13:40 CETย – In 2022, Heliospectra plans to launch several data-driven development projects, including a unique patented biosensor based on several years of research and practical cultivation experience. As a result, in consultation with the management team, the board has chosen to make a strategic shift and is now aiming wholeheartedly towards sustainable data-driven cultivation and Smart Farming with a focus on Europe’s greenhouse market.

Heliospectra AB presenterar pรฅ Stora Aktiedagen den 9 november 2021

Gรถteborg, 8 november, 2021, kl 14:30 Imorgon tisdagen den 9e november kl 16:00 medverkar Heliospectra pรฅ Aktiespararnas Stora Aktiedagen i Gรถteborg. Eventet hรฅlls pรฅ Svenska Mรคssan och kommer รคven visas live digitalt pรฅ Aktiespararnas hemsida. VD Ali Ahmadian kommer att presenteraย bolaget och finnas pรฅ plats att svara pรฅ frรฅgor.

Heliospectra och forskningsgruppen LEDs Make it Resilient startar nytt projekt inom belysning och biokontrollagenter

Gรถteborg 4 november 2021 kl. 14.10. Heliospectra AB, vรคrldsledande inom intelligent belysningsteknik fรถr vรคxthus och kontrollerade odlingsmiljรถer och stolt medlem av forskningsgruppen LEDs Make it Resilient,ย startar ett nytt projekt fรถr att studera hur ljuskvalitet pรฅverkar grรถdors tillvรคxt och motstรฅndskraft med avseende pรฅ interaktionen med humlor och biokontrollagenter. Heliospectra รคr belysningspartner och branschexpert, och levererar den helt kontrollerbara LED-belysningslรถsningen ELIXIA och tillhรถrande expertis till projektet.ย 

Heliospectra and the LEDs Make it Resilient Research Consortium Initiates New Project with Focus on Light and Biocontrol Agents

GOTHENBURG, Sweden, 4 November 2021 at 14:10ย CET Heliospectra AB, a world leader in intelligent lighting technology for greenhouse and controlled plant growth environments, and a proud member of the research consortium LEDs Make it Resilient initiates a new project focusing on the effects of light quality on plant growth and plant resilience, in terms of interactions with bumblebees and biocontrol agents. Heliospectra acts as a lighting partner and industry expert and is supplying the project with its fully controllable ELIXIA LED-lighting solution and expertise. ย