Lighting Solution Order Cancelled due to Voluntary Liquidation of Nectar Farms

(Gothenburg, Sweden,ย 27ย Aprilย 2021)โ€“ย Heliospectraย AB (publ), a world leader in intelligent lighting technology for greenhouse and controlled plant growth environments, announces that the order from Nectar Farmsย Management Limitedย has been written off following insufficient funds and the voluntary liquidation of Nectar Farms.ย The order was forย Heliospectraโ€™sย MITRA series and the order valueโ€ฏisโ€ฏSEK 72 million.ย 

Heliospectra tilldelat forskningsanslag fรถr fortsatt utveckling av patenterat biofeedback-system

(Gร–TEBORG, 22 aprilย 2021 kl. 15.00ย CEST) โ€“ย Heliospectraย (ย AB, vรคrldsledande inom intelligent belysningsteknik fรถr vรคxthus och kontrollerade odlingsmiljรถer, รคr glada att meddela att de har blivit tilldelad ett forskningsanslag frรฅn Vinnova, Sveriges innovationsmyndighet, pรฅ 1ย 750 000 kr fรถr innovationsprojektet “produktionsstyrning och ljusoptimering i vรคxthus”. Projektet รคr ett viktigt steg i produktutvecklingen av fรถretagets patenterade biofeedback-system och en planerad lansering 2022.

Heliospectra Awarded Research Grant for Continued Development of Patented Bio-Feedback System

(GOTHENBURG, Sweden, 22 April, 2021, at 15:00ย CEST)โ€“ Heliospectra AB , a world leader in intelligent lighting technology for greenhouse and controlled plant growth environments, is pleased to announce that they have been awarded a research grant from Vinnova, the Swedish Innovation Authority, for the innovation project “Production control and light optimization in greenhouses”. The project will be the final step to productizing the companyโ€™s patented biofeedback sensor for a launch in 2022. The value of the grant is SEK 1,750,000.

Heliospectra lanserar nรคsta generations automatiserade ljuskontrollsystem


Mer grรถdor och lรคgre energikostnader med hjรคlp av helioCORE[TM] 2.0 och sensorer. (Gร–TEBORG 15 april 2021, kl. 14.20ย CEST) โ€“ Heliospectra, som utvecklar morgondagens teknik fรถr dagens odlare, annonserar lanseringen av nya helioCORE 2.0. Det innovativa ljuskontrollsystemet har nyligen uppgraderats och kommer att slรคppas till ledande kommersiella odlare och forskningsinstitut vรคrlden รถver. Full lansering berรคknas ske under tredje kvartalet 2021.

Heliospectra Set to Release Next-Gen Automated Light Control System


helioCORE[TM] 2.0 improves crop output and lowers energy costs using data-driven software. (GOTHENBURG, Sweden, 15ย April, 2021, at 14:20ย CEST) โ€“ Heliospectra, commitment to building tomorrowโ€™s technology for todayโ€™s growers, has announced the launch of helioCORE 2.0. The newly upgraded state-of-the-art plant science software is being released to leading commercial growers and research institutions around the globe. It is expected to have a full launch by Q3 of 2021.

Heliospectra AB (publ) publicerar hรคrmed sin รฅrsredovisning gรคllande rรคkenskapsรฅret 2020

(Gรถteborg, Sverige, 14e april 2021) – Heliospectra AB (publ) (First North Growth Market: HELIO, OTCQB: HLSPY),ย publicerar hรคrmed รฅrsredovisningen avseende rรคkneskapsรฅret 2020. ร…rsredovisningen finns som bilaga till detta pressmeddelande samt gรฅr att ladda ner frรฅn bolagets hemsidaย