Davis Electric levererar Heliospectras ELIXIA LED-belysningslรถsning och kontrollsystem helioCOREโ„ข till universitet i USA fรถr forskning i vรคxthus.

(Gรถteborg, Sverige, 17 DECEMBER,โ€ฏ2019) โ€“ย Heliospectraย AB (publ) (OTCQB: HLSPY, FIRSTNORTH GROWTH MARKET: HELIO),ย vรคrldsledande inom intelligent belysningsteknik fรถr vรคxthus och kontrollerade odlingsmiljรถer, tillkรคnnager att fรถretaget har fรฅtt en ny order frรฅnโ€ฏDavis Electricย Iย Urbana,ย Illinois, USA.ย Systemleverantรถrenย Davis Electricย kommer att installeraย denย spektrum-kontrollerbaraย belysningslรถsningenย ELIXIAย och kontrollsystemetย helioCOREย till en ny forskningsfacilitetย pรฅ ett universitet i USA.ย Ordervรคrdet uppgรฅr tillย 3 miljoner SEKย (USD$โ€ฏ315,000).โ€ฏย 

Davis Electric Purchases Heliospectra ELIXIA Adjustable Spectrum LED Grow Lights and helioCOREโ„ข Light Control for University Research Greenhouse in the United States

(GOTHENBURG, Sweden / SAN FRANCISCO, CA,ย Decemberย 17,ย 2019)ย โ€“ย Heliospectraย AB (publ) (OTCQB: HLSPY, FIRSTNORTH GROWTH MARKET: HELIO), a world leader in intelligent lighting technology for greenhouse and controlled plant growth environments, announces a new orderย fromย Davis Electric in Urbana, Illinois.ย The systems integrator andย supplier will installย theย controllable spectra ELIXIA LED lightsย (https://www.heliospectra.com/led-grow-lights/commercial-led-grow-lights/)ย and theย helioCOREโ„ข light control systemย (https://www.heliospectra.com/led-grow-light-control-software/)ย forย a new university research greenhouse facility.ย The order value isย SEKย 3ย million (USD$ย 315,000).ย 

Information frรฅn Heliospectra AB (publ), Gรถteborg 2019-12-09 Heliospectra AB (publ) offentliggรถr utfall i fรถretrรคdesemissionen

Teckningsperioden fรถr fรถretrรคdesemissionen i Heliospectra AB (publ) avslutades den 4 december 2019. Det slutliga utfallet av Fรถretrรคdesemissionen, som omfattades av teckningsfรถrbindelser och garantiรฅtaganden motsvarande 100 procent, visar att Fรถretrรคdesemissionen tecknades till motsvarande cirka 85 procent med stรถd av teckningsrรคtter och till motsvarande cirka 2 procent utan stรถd av teckningsrรคtter. Vidare tilldelas cirka 13 procent av Fรถretrรคdesemissionen de emissionsgaranter som enligt avtal med Bolaget รฅtagit sig att teckna aktier i Fรถretrรคdesemissionen i fรถrhรฅllande till gjorda รฅtaganden. Fรถretrรคdesemissionen tillfรถr Bolaget dรคrmed cirka 51,5 MSEK, fรถre emissionskostnader.

Information from Heliospectra AB (publ), Gothenburg 2019-12-09 Heliospectra AB (publ) announces the results of the rights issue

The subscription period for the rights issue in Heliospectra AB (publ) was completed on December 4, 2019. The outcome of the rights issue, which was covered by subscription and guarantee commitments corresponding to 100 percent, shows that the Rights Issue was subscribed by approximately 85 percent with the support of subscription rights and approximately 2 percent without the support of subscription rights. In addition, approximately 13 percent of the Rights Issue is allocated to the guarantors who, in accordance with agreements with the Company, have committed to subscribe for shares in the rights issue in relation to commitments made. The rights issue provides the Company with approximately SEK 51,5 million, before issue costs.