(GรTEBORG, Sverige / SAN FRANCISCO, CA, 12 mars 2019 – Vid extra bolagsstรคmma i Heliospectra AB (publ) (โBolagetโ) den 12 mars 2019ย i Hotel Rivertons lokaler pรฅ Stora Badhusgatan 26, 411 21 i Gรถteborg,ย fattades fรถljande beslut.
(GรTEBORG, Sverige / SAN FRANCISCO, CA, 4 mars 2019 – Heliospectra AB (publ) (OTCQB: HLSPY, FIRST NORTH: HELIO), vรคrldsledande inom intelligent belysningsteknik fรถr vรคxthus och kontrollerade odlingsmiljรถer, har utsett Hans Naess till ny CFO fรถr Heliospectra AB. Hans har agerat interim CFO sedan 24 september 2018 och tilltrรคdde som CFO med start den 1a mars 2019.
(GOTHENBURG, Sweden/SAN FRANCISCO, CA, March 4, 2019 โ Heliospectra AB (publ) (OTCQB: HLSPY, FIRST NORTH: HELIO), a world leader in intelligent lighting technology for greenhouse and controlled plant growth environments, has appointed Hans Naess as the new Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Heliospectra AB. Hans has acted as interimย CFOย since September 24, 2018. Heย began the role as CFO on March 1st, 2019. ย
The shareholders of Heliospectra AB (publ), company registration no. 556695-2205, are hereby given notice to attend the Extraordinary General Meeting to be held on 12 March 2019 at 09.00 a.m. at Hotel Riverton Gรถteborg at the address Stora Badhusgatan 26, 411 21 Gรถteborg. Registration for the Extraordinary General Meeting will commence at 8.00 a.m.
Aktieรคgarna i Heliospectra AB (publ), org. nr 556695-2205, kallas hรคrmed till extra bolagsstรคmma fredagen den 12 mars 2019 kl. 9.00 pรฅ Hotel Riverton, Stora Badhusgatan 26, 411 21 Gรถteborg. Registrering till stรคmman bรถrjar kl. 8.00.
Pressmeddelande,ย Gรถteborg, 2019-02-22 Aktieรคgarna i Heliospectra AB (publ), org. nr 556695-2205, kallas hรคrmed till extra bolagsstรคmma fredagen den 12 mars 2019 kl. 9.00 pรฅ Radisson Blu Riverside Hotel Gรถteborg med adress Lindholmspiren 4, 417 56 Gรถteborg. Registrering till stรคmman bรถrjar kl. 8.00.
GรTEBORG, Sverige, 2019-02-22 Heliospectra AB (publ) (โHeliospectraโ eller โBolagetโ), som รคr noterat pรฅ Nasdaq First North, meddelar att Bolagets styrelse fรถreslรฅr en nyemission om cirka 52,7 miljoner kronor med fรถretrรคdesrรคtt fรถr befintliga aktieรคgare. Villkoren i emissionen innebรคr att 3 befintliga aktier ger rรคtt att teckna 1 ny aktie till kursen 4,5 kr. Emissionen omfattas till 100 procent av teckยญningsยญยญรฅtaganden och garantiรฅtaganden frรฅn Bolagets stรถrsta รคgare, Welandkoncernen och Midroc.
GOTHENBURG, Sweden, February 22, 2019 Heliospectra AB (publ) (“Heliospectra” or “the Company”), which is listed on Nasdaq First North, announces that the Company’s Board of Directors proposes a new share issue of approximately SEK 52.7 million with preferential rights for existing shareholders. The terms of the rights issue are that 3 existing shares entitle the shareholder to subscribe for 1 new share at the price of 4.5 SEK. The rights issue is 100 percent underwritten through subscription and guarantee commitments by the Company’s largest shareholders, the Weland Group and Midroc.
GรTEBORG, Sverige/SAN FRANCISCO,ย Californien, den 22 februari 2018 โ Heliospectra AB (publ) (OTCQB: HLSPY,ย FIRSTNORTH: HELIO), vรคrldsledande inom intelligent belysningsteknik fรถr vรคxthus och kontrollerade odlingsmiljรถer, presenterar idag sin Bokslutskommunikรฉ fรถr 2018.
GOTHENBURG, Sweden / SAN FRANCISCO, CA, February 22, 2019 โ Heliospectra AB (publ) (OTCQB: HLSPY, FIRSTNORTH: HELIO),ย a world leader in intelligent lighting technology for greenhouse and controlled plant growth environments, are today presenting its Year-End Report for 2018.